Google Algorithm Change to Affect Websites that are not Mobile-Friendly

In the effort to succeed in search engine marketing, following the latest ranking signals through Google’s algorithm is essential. Digital marketing and SEO are dynamic; proper search engine optimization has changed dramatically over time. The more complex and intuitive Google’s algorithms are requires a consistent, relevant, content-based online marketing strategy. You cannot trick the search engines with tricks and antiquated tactics.

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Why Content Marketing Works

In any industry, buzzwords make their introduction and become today’s hero but how can you tell if the buzzword has staying power? When it works. Content Marketing may be the latest trend for search engine ranking and lead nurturing and it’s only growing in popularity and importance. So why does content marketing work?

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Why Digital Keeps You on Your Toes

One of the best feelings is to go into work and know exactly what you are doing. This can add a stable foundation to your life..but can also lead to boredom. Digital marketing is the cure. The foundation of marketing changes little over time, the 4 P’s – Product, Price, Place and Promotion. What does change is how consumers and businesses shop and where they research prior to purchase. Here are three things to keep in mind with Digital Marketing in 2012:

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